Blast furnace blow-down was carried out and completed by ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA on April 02, 2018 at 11:30.
All suspended/movable working platforms, for demolition and installation works, were made and installed by CRIOMEC S.A.
TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA has executed the demolition of the entire blast furnace refractory lining from April 06 until April 26, 2018.
For the works on demolition and cleaning of demolished material out of the blast furnace, 3 or 4 demolition machines were engaged simultaneously:
– Demolition of the throat armour, stack, belly and bosh lining ( from el. +36.000 to el. +12.000) has been executed with the 8 to demolition machine from the suspended/movable platform inside the furnace.
– Demolition of the hearth lining and removal of the demolished material out of the blast furnace has been executed with the 30 to demolition machine, through the cut-out opening at the taphole 1 position (el. +8.500).
– Demolition of the hearth and bottom refractories and removal of demolished material has been executed with 2 or 3 (depending on requirements) 30 to demolition machines – one placed inside the blast furnace, at the hearth bottom, and one, or two, from the ground (el. ±0.00), outside the blast furnace.
High-pressure washing of the inner side of the blast furnace shell was executed with the high-pressure washer (approx.. 200 bar), from the suspended/movable platform inside the blast furnace.
Approximately 400 to of the solidified salamander remained inside the blast furnace. The blasting of the solidified salamander was successfully executed on April 22, 2018. Salamander pieces were removed on April 23, 2018.
Approximately 2.000 m3 of refractories, skull and coke residues were removed out of the blast furnace during the demolition.
During the demolition, 465 pieces of lower stack, belly and bosh cooling staves (approx. 1.000 to) were dismantled and removed out of the blast furnace.