Ulica ZAVNOBiH-a b.b. BA-72000 Zenica
Pon – Pet: Uprava 07:30 – 16:00 | Operativa 00:00 – 24:00 svi dani u godini
+387 (0) 32 440 341
+387 (0) 32 440 340

GENERAL OVERHAUL OF THE BLAST FURNACE NO. 4 ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA | 01.04.2018 - 26.06.2018 INVESTOR ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA d.o.o. Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina MAIN CONTRACTOR DANIELI CORUS B.V. IJmuiden, Netherlands SUBCONTRACTOR CRIOMEC S.A. Galati, Romania | Mechanical Works - dismantling and construction/installation TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA d.o.o. Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina | Refractory Works - demolition and construction/installation


–     Completely fulfilled all obligations of the contract with DANIELI CORUS, related to the scope of works, execution time and quality of the works

–     Shortened all scheduled execution times for works on dismantling and installation of refractories at all three positions covered by the general overhaul

–     Timely completed all other contractual duties, without negative impact on the activities covered by the general overhaul



Unloading and warehousing of refractory materials and mechanical equipment are the works covered by the Contract on execution of all refractory works, which TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA has made with DANIELI CORUS.

Unloading and warehousing has been executed inside the Forge Shop buildings within the ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA, approximately 1,5 km away from the site.

In total, 271 trucks were unloaded, i.e. 4.363 pallets were unloaded and stored; refractory materials were delivered in 177 trucks and 3.413 pallets.

All works have been completed within 90 workdays, from October 30, 2017 until June 14, 2018.


Prefabrication of cooling staves (installation of refractory materials into the “hot” side of the staves) was the obligation covered by the Contract on execution of all refractory works, which TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA has made with DANIELI CORUS.

Prefabrication of a total of 416 staves was executed inside the Forge Shop buildings within the ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA.

276 staves were prefabricated with SiC bricks, anchors and refractory castable and 140 staves were prefabricated only with SiC bricks.

In order to ensure safe work on prefabrication of staves (2-3 to/pc.), TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA has prepared (manufactured) 20 mounting tables and staves manipulation tool.

Considering that workspace temperatures were often below 5°C, TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA has prepared:

–        Heated storage for the weekly need in refractory material
–        Water heating for the preparation of refractory castable
–        Heating of staves prior to the installation of refractories
–        Heating of the completed/prefabricated stave in duration of 24 hours immediately after the refractory lining and casting

All works have been executed within 44 workdays; from December 2017 until January 2018.

Approximately 9.800 pieces of steel anchors, 25 to SiC bricks and 255 to of refractory castable were installed into staves during the prefabrication.



Within the execution of the works, the following has been done:

–     Demolition of complete trough/runner system 1 (March 12-15, 2018) and trough/runner system 2 (May 03-06, 2018); approximately 850 to of material from 28 m of main troughs, 130 m of runners and two tilting runners.
–     Welding of anchors to the trough/runner and tilting runner steel boxes
–     Transportation of all refractory and auxiliary materials (approx. 670 to) from the main storage to the site/place of installation
–     Installation of precast safety lining blocks into main troughs, installation of templates and casting of the working lining into complete casthouse trough/runner system
–     Installation of permanent lining, installation of templates and casting of the working lining into two tilting runners

Works on installation of refractory and auxiliary materials have taken place between April 03 and June 23, 2018.

Approximately 10.000 pieces of steel anchors were welded and 700 to (260 m3) of precast blocks, refractory castables and insulating materials were installed in the permanent and working linings of the complete casthouse trough/runner system.


Hot blast system consists of:

–     Hot blast stoves to hot blast main connections – four pipes: length 5.000 mm, diameter 1.744 mm
–     Hot blast main – approx. length 45.000 mm, diameter 2.400 mm
–     Bustle main (with 20 tuyere stock outlets) – approx. length 60.000 mm, diameter 1.950 mm

Within the execution of the works, the following has been done:

–     Demolition of complete hot blast system refractories (working and insulation lining), in amount of approx. 302 m3, i.e. 440 to (April 04-15, 2018.)
–     The removal and disposal of harmful loose insulation material, vacuuming and washing of the entire hot blast system shell
–     The sandblasting (aprox. 440 m2) and replacement of approx. 130m2 of the damaged hot blast main shell
–     Transportation of all refractory and auxiliary materials (approx. 265 m3, i.e. 350 to) from the main storage to the site/place of installation
–     Installation of insulation and working lining into the bustle main (April 18 – May 20, 2018)
–     Installation of insulation and working lining into the hot blast main – executed after the replacement of the damaged shell (May 19 – June 08, 2018)
–     The complete refractory works were executed in accordance with the new design; approx. 265 m3, i.e. 350 to of insulation and refractory materials were installed.



Blast furnace blow-down was carried out and completed by ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA on April 02, 2018 at 11:30.

All suspended/movable working platforms, for demolition and installation works, were made and installed by CRIOMEC S.A.

TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA has executed the demolition of the entire blast furnace refractory lining from April 06 until April 26, 2018.

For the works on demolition and cleaning of demolished material out of the blast furnace, 3 or 4 demolition machines were engaged simultaneously:

–     Demolition of the throat armour, stack, belly and bosh lining ( from el. +36.000 to el. +12.000) has been executed with the 8 to demolition machine from the suspended/movable platform inside the furnace.
–     Demolition of the hearth lining and removal of the demolished material out of the blast furnace has been executed with the 30 to demolition machine, through the cut-out opening at the taphole 1 position (el. +8.500).
–     Demolition of the hearth and bottom refractories and removal of demolished material has been executed with 2 or 3 (depending on requirements) 30 to demolition machines – one placed inside the blast furnace, at the hearth bottom, and one, or two, from the ground (el. ±0.00), outside the blast furnace.

High-pressure washing of the inner side of the blast furnace shell was executed with the high-pressure washer (approx.. 200 bar), from the suspended/movable platform inside the blast furnace.

Approximately 400 to of the solidified salamander remained inside the blast furnace. The blasting of the solidified salamander was successfully executed on April 22, 2018. Salamander pieces were removed on April 23, 2018.

Approximately 2.000 m3 of refractories, skull and coke residues were removed out of the blast furnace during the demolition.

During the demolition, 465 pieces of lower stack, belly and bosh cooling staves (approx. 1.000 to) were dismantled and removed out of the blast furnace.


The works on lining of the blast furnace were executed in period from May 05, 2018 until June 19, 2018.

Within the execution of the works, which were executed (partly simultaneously) at two positions – bottom/hearth with tuyeres (from el. +3.720 to el. +14.230) and suspended/movable platform (from el. +14.230 to el. +41.200), the following has been done:

–     Installation of refractory materials from el. +14.230 to el. 41.200, in the period from May 05, 2018 until June 19, 2018 – effectively executed within 25 days.
–     Installation of refractory materials from el. +3.720 to el. 14.230, in the period from April 30, 2018 until June 17, 2018 – effectively executed within 25 days.
–     Transportation of all refractory and auxiliary materials (approx. 1.050 m3, i.e. 2.100 to) from the main storage to the site/place of installation.


During the execution of works within the Blast Furnace No.4 overhaul (April 01 – June 25, 2018), TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA successfully completed a number of other demanding works in the ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA (AMZ) Departments Blast Furnace, Sinter Plant, Steel Plant and Rolling Mills:



–     Lining of runners for salamander tapping
–     Lining of ladle cars for tapped salamander
–     Capital overhaul of the casthouse area around the iron/slag runner system
–     Lining of 30 tuyere stocks – “goosenecks” and supply of templates for tuyere stocks
–     Lining of two covers/lids at the facility for drying of transport ladles
–     Opening and closing of repair/overhaul manholes at all four hot blast stoves
–     Lining of hot blast stove inlets
–     Overhaul of the burning chamber refractory lining inside sintering furnaces 3, 4, 5 and 6


–     Electric-arc furnace steel production support
–     Works on ladle furnace (LF) turret protective lining
–     Refractory lining of boilers above BOF 1 and BOF 2


–     Annual overhaul of the “BENDOTTI” furnace refractory lining
–     Annual overhaul of the “DANIELI” furnace refractory lining
–     Annual overhaul of the “SALEM” furnace refractory lining



The overhaul of the high furnace is considered a high risk project, due to the volume of work, the duration of the work and the conditions under which the works are carried out.

The workers of TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA have made approx. 80.000 Nh from December 01, 2017 to June 20, 2018 and approx. 65.000 Nh from April 01, 2018 to June 16, 2018.

The works on demolition/dismantling and installation have been carried out under the following conditions:

–     Work in gas-hazardous area (during the demolition)
–     Work in dusty environment (during the complete overhaul)
–     Work at height and depth (during the complete overhaul)
–     Simultaneous engagement of several companies in a limited space and at several elevations (during the complete overhaul)
–     Transportation of materials above the working areas (during the blast furnace lining)

Within the framework of implementation of all foreseen health & safety standards, the following steps were taken:

–     Regular training of all TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA employees in HSE standards related directly to the blast furnace overhaul conditions (conducted by the competent staff of ARCELORMITTAL ZENICA, DANIELI CORUS and TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA)
–     Control of all envisaged means of individual and collective protection (by AMZ, DC and T-T competent staff)
–     Continuous monitoring of all employees in their workplaces, in terms of control and ensuring safe working conditions (AMZ, DC and T-T management staff)

With the implementation of all the above-mentioned preventive and ongoing measures, TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA completed the entire work with three minor injuries at work (finger contusion, foot contusion and minor eye injury caused by drop of mortar).


During the execution of the works on the blast furnace general overhaul and with the consent of DANIELI CORUS, TERMOMATIK-TOPLOTEHNIKA engaged the following companies – subcontractors:

–     “ORMAN” d.o.o. Kiseljak – for demolition machines and transportation services
–     “DUST COMPANY” d.o.o. Zenica – for the vacuuming of the loose materials and cleaning/washing inside the blast furnace and the hot blast system
–     “RUDEX” d.o.o. Sarajevo – for the works on blasting of solidified salamander inside the blast furnace hearth

All subcontractors have fulfilled their contractual obligations within the foreseen deadlines and in required quality, with maximum compliance with occupational health & safety regulations, with no injuries at work.